Thursday, April 26, 2012

Crispy Parathas

Hi everyone,its been long time,i dint post any recipes.Sorry about that.I went to india for a long vacation and was real busy all these months.but i really missed my blog,so i thought today i must share the pictures of my food  i had been taking all these days.
      So here is  my husband's favourite crispy paratha which we enjoy specially with chicken curry or any simple veg curry.On regular basis i make chapati for dinner,but when the curry is something special i prefer making parathas to enhance the taste of my curry.It can be made with so many variations.For a crsipy paratha you should take care of these points:

1. A nice soft dough with little oil and water.
2. Folding it the right way.
3. Frying it properly for the right amount of time.not too long,not too short amount of time.

I would be sharing all the diff styles i make and its very easy.

1. Wheat flour : depends on how many you are making,i take 1 handful  per paratha
2. Oil
3. Water
4. Salt : pinch

Method :
Take the flour in a large mixing bowl.

Add a pinch of salt and a tsp of oil.

Mix it and add water little by little and binding the flour together with light hands.dont apply pressure from the start.

When the flour is all together in crumbles you get an idea if it needs more water or not.then combine the crumbled flour and knead it applying pressure for 1 min.if it sticks to ur hand add little flour and knead into a soft dough.

Allow it to stay for 10mins.

Take a small portion of dough and roll it between   palms to make a ball,flaten it like a patty and drop it in dry flour on both sides so that it doesnt stick to the board or the rolling pin.

With the help of rolling pin spread it .

Apply a tsp of oil all over it and fold it with desired shape.

For Square shape paratha :


Apply flour on both sides of the shape.

Spread the shape with the help of rolling pin and make a paratha.

Heat the pan and put the paratha on it.Let it sit for 30 secs

Flip it and  pour a tsp of oil all over the paratha,flip again and apply oil.The idea is pour oil when the paratha is dry on both sides.

With the spatula apply little pressure on edges so that they cook evenly.Paratha takes just 2-3 mins to cook.
Enjoy with your fav curry.

These are other shapes which you can make.various shapes help a lot in feeding kids.I ask my kids who wants square and who wants triangle and circle.

For Triangle paratha :

Apply flour and spread with rolling pin .

Fry in the pan applying oil.


For circle paratha :


Roll it in with the rolling pin and cook it on the pan with some oil or Ghee (i prefer it for kids) on both sides.

Enjoy hot parathas ...!!!